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Ingin download kode beserta gambar ?
boleh Klik disini
thank you too. you are true, this code is not mine. I have found this from somewhere,
but i forget from where..?… so thank to him which creating this javascript
Ijin Unduh..di blog juga bisakah???
silah kan aja bro langsung ke TKP
.-= anto2k´s last blog ..My Boss My Hero (Sasaki Makio) =-.
help donk,, cara meletakan di index.php di line brapa..
gmn caranya ngegunain tuh kode2 diapain?
g ngerti sih.
Hey…..nice post!!
Awesome, No more words to explain just….cool blog.
Thx pak, it works perfectly, c @
aze,sip, sip
komplet sip
@johan: tq atas komennya…